Secret Handshake: Community-Building Thought Leadership Articles
Magazine-quality web articles that foster engagement and create loyalty.
Depending on how you use it, your business’ blog could either be its greatest asset (a tool that can generate an extra $100,000 in revenue and turn you into a well-respected industry leader) or its greatest liability (an unmanageable shamble of cobbled-together almost-ideas and “me too!” content that makes it clear you’re not the real deal).
And there’s a world of difference between having a blog…and strategically using a blog to build your business and increase your sales.
One of them looks like 300-word articles (if you can really call something that short an article), stuffed Thanksgiving-turkey-style with semi-related keywords, paid-for backlinks, and other surprises that are sure to sink your search rankings and send intelligent readers running. This kind of blogging sends your readers the message that you don’t care enough about your business or your industry to host meaningful conversations about either of them. And if you don’t care about your business, why should anyone else?
The other is grounded in a firm understanding that a quality article isn’t just a means to an end, it’s also an end in and of itself. It’s a culmination of thorough research, extensive critical thinking, real experience, intricate storytelling, sound advice, and a clear purpose. It educates. It entertains. It solves real problems. It helps you break down barriers and relate to your audience on an intuitive, emotional level. It involves an intricate and well-executed plan with specific objectives. And it works. This kind of blogging doesn’t just show that you care about your business and your industry – it gives your readers a reason to care about you. And readers who care will always, always, always benefit your business more than readers who don’t.
As an experienced blog and magazine writer, I have a strong track record of writing popular blog articles that get views, comments, and social share. But more importantly, Brand Gesture’s blog articles don’t just boost your SEO…they make you a thought leader, foster a real relationship with prospects, give people a reason to engage with your brand, support your sales cycle, and drive purchases.
Are we a good fit for an article writing arrangement?
Brand Gesture can deliver high-quality blog articles that help you meet your strategic objectives if you:
- care more about creating a great buyer experience with your brand than about building a bank of articles “because that’s what everyone else is doing”
- view a blog as not just a place to organize a brain dump, but as a platform for fostering meaningful engagement and for building an audience of people who are so excited to share in your brand journey they’ll spend hours and hours interacting on your website
- want to use your blog to build your authority, generate sales, and launch info products
- want your business to be known for publishing meaningful, intelligent, magazine-quality blog articles instead of the mindless dreck that doesn’t work
- want to establish a great content brand – want to be known for upholding the implicit promise of quality you make whenever you publish an article of any kind
- Everything you publish makes a statement about who your business is, whether you want it to or not.
Brand Gesture can help you come across as a thought leader – someone who knows what they’re doing and who cares about quality – and give your business the compelling, unforgettable image it deserves.
Web article samples:
Sound Science
Disease Detective
Mindful Practice
Sports Powders
No Whey
A Good Sport