Do you want your business to make noise, or make sales?
Being heard isn’t the same thing as being believed. And talk may be cheap, but the right words could be the key to your next $100,000 in revenue.
Contact Brand Gesture to find out how.
You know your business inside and out. You work hard to make it successful. And you’re damn good at what you do.
…but coming up with fresh, interesting, and – most importantly – persuasive marketing assets?
“Is dead easy and takes no time at all,” said no business owner ever.
And you’re stuck wondering: “I’m investing all this time, money, and effort into my marketing. But it’s been a year already and I have exactly one and a half new clients to show for it. Shouldn’t this be paying off by now?”
You’re fed up with the status quo.
You’re tired of being told that a 50% bounce rate is normal, as if there’s simply nothing to be done about it. (Hint: There is something to be done about it.)
You’re sick of the “Look at me!” print ads (full page, full colour – “to get the biggest bang for my buck”, you told yourself) that might as well be in a burning trash can full of your business’ money for the zero new sales they got you.
You’ve had your fill of the five-word blog posts that your SEO consultant promised would get clients and customers in your door…but actually crept up behind your website and crane kicked it off the top of Google Mountain.
You have a clear vision of who your brand wants to be, but you’re so worried about deviating from industry norms that you keep all of your marketing and all of your communications in a tight, painful straightjacket – and you hate yourself for it.
And if you have to publish one more of those drab case studies that never make it past your prospects’ download folder, you’re going to gouge your eyes out.
Put down the melon baller – we’re here to help.
Brand Gesture is a branding and marketing firm specializing in creative, science-driven copywriting that gets results.
The words that you use to market your business aren’t just “content”. They’re psychological trigger words. And the human brain is not a logical machine. It’s a living organism that is always making new connections.
These connections are what allow us to think, to feel, to act, and most importantly, to make decisions – like buying decisions.
But here’s the problem: Your brain doesn’t know if the concepts it’s connecting actually belong together. Actually fit. (It’s like those reality TV shows that set up two perfect strangers on a blind date. Are these two a good fit? Only one way to find out!)
Your brain simply joins concepts together at random. And over time, certain connections get reinforced, while other connections get broken.
That means if you don’t know what mental associations people make with your brand, you’re missing out on huge sales opportunities.
Get expert advice and marketing assets that work.
The research shows that people don’t buy based on logic – not even in B2B. So if you’re using logic to sell your products and services?
The people who actually want to buy from you…won’t pick up the phone and call.
The people who need to know more before they act…won’t be interested enough in what you have to say to let you convince them.
And the people who would benefit most from what you’re selling and end up being your most loyal clients…won’t know that they need you.
Even more bad news: Standing out is HARD.
Those same people who desperately need what you’re selling…don’t care about what you have to say.
Every single day, your ideal customers have thousands of demands put upon their limited attention spans.
“Download my free e-book!”
“50% off for all new members!”
“Check out our blog to learn more!”
Believe it or not, people are actually rather smart. (Shocking!) They do these weird, crazy things like think for themselves and form their own opinions. That’s why the world has become hip to the content marketing game – and why SEO is dying.
It doesn’t matter if you rank in the #1 spot on Google. If the human being you’re selling to (who is a person with a brain) makes the decision that you’re about as trustworthy as that email they got that one time saying a Nigerian prince wanted to drop a cool $500 million into their bank account, your great SEO won’t help. SEO can’t persuade people to buy from you.
That isn’t a pretty situation. Not to sound like a defeatist, but….it gets worse.
You can’t sell to people who think you have an ulterior motive. Your potential new customers know that all of these infographics and newsletters and free courses are really just a way of getting them in your door so you can make them buy things they don’t really want. And when people know they’re being sold to? They run away screaming, arms flailing behind them.
What does marketing today look like? If you want to sell to people using standard marketing tactics, you have to:
- Divert their attention away from their lives, their worries, their problems, their needs, and their families. (Good luck with that.)
- Keep their attention on you instead of on the 4,999 other advertisements they’re going to see today. (It’s a big world.)
- Figure out what they want to hear most in that exact moment that pertains to your product or service. (Geez, since when did marketing require you to be a mind reader?)
- Try to convince them they want something that you have. (If you have to convince people to buy from you, you’re going to get crushed by competitors who have already figured out there’s a much more profitable way to advertise.)
- And then try to convince them that you are the best business to sell them that thing that you made them think they want. (90% of businesses fail at this – and they end up having to slash their prices because of it.)
There are a lot of steps in there between announcing your product is for sale and actually getting a sale. That’s why this whole marketing game is not easy.
The solution?
Stop trying to get noticed. Start doing something worth noticing. Something that matters.
A great marketing campaign doesn’t need a grand gesture. But it does need a Brand Gesture.
What if, instead of standing hunched over in the corner and meekly asking your prospects for their attention…you could command it from centre stage, like the expert you were meant to be?
What if your blog wasn’t just a keeping-up-with-the-Jones-Company expense full of “me too!” content, but a valuable strategic tool – one that could bring in clients and customers who are bouncing off your walls, floor, furniture, workstations, and employees because they’re legitimately that excited to do business with you – and you alone?
What if every time you sent out a sales email to your subscribers, you knew that you could count on them to actually commit?
That’s what great branding does. It smashes through objections like a sledgehammer through a vase. (Without the danger of pointy little shards of glass and ceramic flying everywhere at approximately eye level.)
It gets people on board with your message because they see that it’s their message, too. (And a great message calls out their name & beckons them to join you – kind of like Red Rover, but less violent.)
It challenges. It encourages. It bridges the gap between what your business is (a service provider) and what it could be (the service provider).
And yes, it makes you more money. (But it’s not about the money…it’s about buying back your freedom.)
That’s what happens when you have the power of a great brand to help you sell.
Just ask the countless Brand Gesture clients that have seen the power of great writing firsthand. Clients like Tourism Kelowna, MKS Resources/The Water’s Edge North, GotDone, the Okanagan Wine Club, Chamberlain Property Group, and Badie Dental.
Clients who get results like these:
- named in the top 66 out of 500 participating companies at Collision’s pitch competition (Savvi Solutions)
- received provincial and national media coverage from major outlets like Global News and the BC Innovation Council (Accelerate Okanagan),
- boosted email open rates to 130% above industry average within 6 months (Ballantyne Gallery),
- boosted email clickthrough rates to 600% above industry average within 6 months (Ballantyne Gallery),
- expanded their mailing lists by 400% within 6 months (Ballantyne Gallery),
- increased organic web traffic by 145% within 6 months (Badie Dental),
- decrease bounce rate by 40% within 2 months (Badie Dental),
- expanded blog readership by 1100% within 2 months (Badie Dental),
- saw 35% more sitewide pageviews within 6 months (Okanagan coLab),
- increased email open rates by 35% within 2 weeks (Haven Mattress),
- received an astounding 1345% ROI within 2 weeks (Okanagan Wine Club), and
- doubled their sales within 2 weeks (Okanagan Wine Club)
If you’re tired of “just okay” marketing –
if you want to stop talking about standing out and start doing it –
if you want to market your business with words that don’t just sit there, but actually do something –
if you think that doing something “because that’s how it’s always been done” is for losers –
if you’re tired of working with marketing consultants who don’t get results –
if you have big, ambitious dreams for your business –
if it’s finally time to sell people on your WHY and not just on your WHAT –
…then it’s time to Step. The Hell. Up.
And leave your competitors in a profitless pit of despair.
Brand Gesture Marketing is a Canadian marketing firm that believes the best way to stand out is by doing something different, in a big way.
Who is this for?
This is for startups, freelancers, and established businesses that are tired of “just okay” marketing. Tired of “content”. Tired of the same old stuff. Businesses that want to nix the cliches and do something that works.
You have a reason for doing what you do. You have a vision and a mission. You believe that doing things “because that’s how it’s always been done” or “because that’s what everyone else is doing” is stupid. And you’re tired of feeling like you have to whitewash your personality and sell your soul just to get ahead.
You know that standing out – by definition – requires you to be unflinchingly, unapologetically different. You know the story you want to tell – but maybe you need a little help telling it. You have big plans and big dreams. And in order to pull them off, you need marketing that gets big results. You don’t just need a grand gesture. You need a Brand Gesture.
Contact Brand Gesture Marketing to give your business an online presence that doesn’t just captivate the audience – but has them ravenously clamouring for more.
Stop selling. Start getting sales. I can show you how.
“Alas for those that never sing, but die with all their music in them.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Voiceless
I was very impressed with the quality of Mike’s work on our FAQ project. He’s a knowledgeable resource who came up with great material for us and positioned it in a well-laid-out way.
Working with Mike has been an absolute pleasure! His dedication to his clients’ success is evident through his comprehensive research into Evolve Design Build’s products and goals. He is professional, articulate, and has a rationale behind every decision he makes. I would highly recommend!